API Changes (2025-01)

Learn to prepare for upcoming changes


Deprecation of created_at: The property created_at is redundant on withdrawals, as the same information can be accessed via the history property.

Required changes: If you need access to that property, you can check the property history and record the timestamp of the record with the state created.


Batch Orders

Deprecation of endpoint group /batch_orders: We are deprecating the batch order endpoints.

Required changes: Going forward, please use the new “unified” endpoints in /orders to manage your orders. This includes updating webhook listeners to observe events for order.* instead of batch_order.*.

The main difference between the old batch_orders and the new orders is the mandatory property type: batch. Going forward, we will introduce new types in order to facilitate other types of orders.



Deprecation of action batch_order.create_and_confirm: In order to stay consistent with the deprecation of /batch_orders, the workflow API is updated.

Previously, a workflow would be created like this:

  "action": {
    "type": "batch_order.create_and_confirm",
    "amount": "12.5",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "fee": "0",
    "instrument": "LU0290358497",
    "side": "buy"
  "trigger": {
    "cadence": "monthly",
    "type": "schedule"

Required changes: Please use the following pattern now while also passing ?unified_orders=true via URL query parameters:

  "action": {
    "type": "order.create_and_confirm",
    "order": {
      "amount": "12.5",
      "currency": "EUR",
      "fee": "0",
      "instrument": "LU0290358497",
      "side": "buy",
      "type": "batch"
  "trigger": {
    "cadence": "monthly",
    "type": "schedule"

(Note the introduction of the order object and the fact that it has type: batch.)


Instrument Prices

Deprecation of quote endpoint: In order to move our API forward and enable more general use-cases, we have introduced a generic endpoint for price queries.

Required changes: Instead if calling /instrument/:isin/quote you can call /instrument/:isin/prices. If you want to make sure you will only ever get a quote response, you can pass ?type=quote via URL query parameter for …/prices.


Deprecation of property latest_quote: In order to stay consistent with the deprecation of the endpoint for latest quotes, we have updated /account/:id/positions to include a new property latest_price.

As a consequence, latest_quote will be deprecated and marked optional for the time being. If you have relied on this property in the past, it will always be present for the time being.

Required changes: Please use the new property latest_price which supports multiple types of prices, not just quotes.


Following the previous changes, we deprecate and plan to remove the following types of events:

  • batch_order.accepted
  • batch_order.canceled
  • batch_order.canceling
  • batch_order.confirmed
  • batch_order.created
  • batch_order.executed
  • batch_order.rejected

And we also deprecate the use of the following event for account checks:

  • check.pending